Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hello guys welcome back to my blog, seperti biasanya saya akan menceritakan kegiatan saya di kitchen.

Yeee, this week is our last week in the fifth semester and this week is our final week, to be honest I am very excited about the final this time because the final this time we made a big event titled Celebes Traditional Culinary Fast, with a traditional theme but still looking modern.

Two weeks earlier we had started to be busy with several things ranging from proposals, menus, arrangement of places, decorations, and others. this event we made was our last event until graduation, so we made this event very total.

In this event we prepared 400 tickets and all of them were sold, we had 22 food items, and took place at Ballaroom I Wayan Makassar Makassar on December 5, 2019.

The first day we were still discussing and checking the ingredients and it turned out that some of the materials were not ordered and this made us a little difficult because some of the materials that were not ordered were important ingredients and the amount was large, when we negotiated with Mr. Jaya and the result Mr. Jaya is responsible for the lack of material.

The second day some menus can be made such as ice cream, bread for fried ice cream, and klapertart, today we also make packaging such as packaging for crepes, barongko, and kebab.

The third day we began to busy with our products and some more busy decorating the hall that we use for tomorrow, this decoration we do until midnight.


And arrived the awaited day, today we enter at 05.00 CET, today we start preparing our products to be served, at 09.00 CET the event begins I myself was assigned to guard the fried ice cream stalls, first our event was opened by Drs package, Darmayasa , M.Pd as assistant 1 director of the Makassar Poltekpar, with the accompaniment of the guests enjoying the food we served, at 14.00 CEST our event was finished, we are very grateful because our event finished running smoothly.

That's all the story today, hopefully useful.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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