Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hello guys welcome back to my blog, as usual I will tell my activities in the kitchen.

This morning we are one line, Mr. ical wants to see Tape singkong and Tape ketan that we made a few days ago, besides that Mr. ical also a little to explain what we made today, today we focus on making Apang paranggi.

Apang paranggi is one of the typical foods of Bugis, this cake is made from brown sugar and rice flour. Apang paranggi is cooked in two ways, there are those that are burned with a stove, but they are also steamed.

Mr. ical wants us to make Apang paranggi by burning it and using tape singkong as developer material, aside from that tape we cannot add another developer.

After one line we started making Apang paranggi, as usual we first prepare the ingredients, after that we do.

The first experiment was the texture of aqueous mixture and the color was not dark brown but light brown and after use it remained light brown and did not expand.
The second experiment we tried to rest the dough a few hours, after baking the results are more tolerable, but do not expand

Today we stop on the second try. God willing, tomorrow we will try again.

That's all that I can tell is useful

Walaikumsalam Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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