Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hello guys welcomer back to my blog, today I will tell you my activities during my practice in the kitchen.

Today we did not make Apang paranggi today we will make mille creps, mille creps this time is different from mille creps as usual why because we make different traditional traditional foods from Makassar such as katiri sala, pallu butung, cendol, barongko and Sikaporo.

First, I made the first filing from black glutinous rice, coconut milk and sugar, so I have soaked the black sticky rice the day before, so that the glutinous rice softens quickly. after cooking we blender so that the taste is not too rough.

Then we make the crepe mixture with brown sugar taste, after that we make the batter crep batter in the pan then stacked with other dough, between the first and second sheets are given black glutinous rice filling After being stacked up to 7 cm mille crepe we put it in the frezzer so that annoying.


That's all I can tell today that it is useful.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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