Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hello guys welcome back to my blog, this time I will summarize my activities for three days in preparing for the mid test, this time the mid test is a pastry and backery table that we made there are three namely croissants, tartletted and sourdough, and the menu we made as following.

The first day Saturday 06 September 2019, we started preparing two days before this we did so that our work did not pile up so we paid in installments for work that could be done, today we prepared the tartlette. the small size of the tartlatte mold is only 10 pcs so we decided to go out to buy tarlette prints. At 11:23 a.m we just started printing tarlette. Today I also made a croissant mixture that we kept overnight, and also prepared a croissant fat.

The second day, Sunday, September 7, 2019, we started early in the morning. I got an assignment to make tarlette filling, which is cream cheese, custard, and mango compo and today I also make croissants. Today we finished at 8:30 p.m, longer than yesterday.

The third day Monday 08 September 2019, today our finishing begins to fill all our tartlattes and also our croissants, garnishes and at 10:00 am we start the set-up at the rectorate, after the set-up we wait for our lecturers to taste every lecturer who tasted given one sheet of assessment paper. At 12.00 p.m everything was settled.

Alhamdulilla today went smoothly, there were no obstacles we got, we also got good comments from the lecturers.

That's all I can tell today, hopefully what I have told you today is useful.

Walaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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