Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Hello guys welcome back to my blog, as usual I will tell my activities diving in the kitchen

Today we will make Sour bread and Tartlet, Sourt bread today only through the process of molding, proofing and baking only because we have made the dough yesterday.

While waiting for the proofing process we make tartlet dough, tartlet dough texture should not be too dry and should not be too alkaline, so when the dough is made we let it sit in the chillers so that the battery freezes again, because if the dough is too alkaline it makes it difficult for us to form it.


Forming the dough into a mold is quite difficult so accuracy is required and when baking it don't forget the dough is pricked and weighted so that the tarlate does not rise up.

That's all I can share today, hopefully it will be useful

Walaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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