DAILY REPORT PART 2 ( English Version )

            Helo Guys, welcome to my blog, today I will tell you my activities during practice in the kitchen laboratory
Today we practice at 07:00 faster than usual because we prepare for open resto, morning at 07:15 we  one line and start practice, today my group handle the juice but we do not know what juice we will make because chef aldino did not give us recipe, while waiting for chef aldino to helping another group to prepare continental breakfast, me and my group give egg wash to the bread , and bake and store the finished bread to bainmarie.

Not too long after the chef aldino came and give us  directions to prepare inggredients  water mellon juice such as, simple syrup (water and sugar in boil), water mellon, and garnice. After preparing the ingredients we started to make water mellon juice and bring it to the restaurant for explain at 10: 00 we opened the restaurant, first order 20 juice water melon and it made us a little panicked, and alhamdulilla 25 juice can come out to the restaurant on time and also there are additional 11 glasses of lecturer's order in office, during working water mellon no obstacle anything and make my job younger.

After the resto closed we started doing the general cleaning this time I was not in my office on the move to the floor section, the general clining after finished we back oneline and received directions by chef aldino for englis breakfast preparation and my group got task for preparing  the fruit compote. At 02:00 we started preparing the ingredients like, simple syrup (water plus sugar, cloves, cinnamon, lemon juice and boil), apples, pineapple, papaya and grapes all fruit we cut in macedoan except all the fruit is put into simple syrup that has boiled and simmer until the fruit soak well.

After  finished making our compote fruit we shearing with our supervisor but not long .weare going back to do the second general cleaning, and I was back in place at the office. at 18:00 after that our supervisior allow us for going back home.Thank you for reading my blog, and do not get bored reading my blog.


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