Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog as usual I will tell my activities in the kitchen.

Today we are busy making croissants all of them focus on making croissants, each group makes perfect croissants, if croissants are made that fail we get a punashmant which is a three-lap run.

My team consists of jaka and wafra, we started making our croissants today, we made two doughs with different recipes one using recipe from the book while the other recipe from pak ical which is different from this recipe is in the ingredients and also the steps in the book using butter and ordinary water while the pak ical uses milk and does not use butter steps differ from start to finish.

We started making our first dough following step by step everything in the book starting from mixing, proofing, inserting fat, until the first folding our dough was still okay until the second stage of butter we were broken and there was no hope.

Whereas our second dough also follows step by step but unfortunately we still failed, because after we bake it turns out that our croissants haven't had a layer at all.

That is the failure that we experienced today, but this failure actually made us curious to make croissants, that's all I can say hopefully useful.

Walaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatu.


  1. numpang promote ya min ^^
    Hayyy guys...
    sedang bosan di rumah tanpa ada yang bisa di kerjakan
    dari pada bosan hanya duduk sambil nonton tv sebaiknya segera bergabung dengan kami
    di DEWAPK agen terpercaya di tunggu lo ^_^


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