warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hello guys welcomer back to my blog, today I will tell you my
activities during my practice in the kitchen.
Today is our last day of practice, and today's activity is not too
much, we are finishing for our mille crepes.
Mille creps which we removed yesterday in the chiller, after our
mille creps came out less than 7 cm, then in the morning we immediately made
mille creps dough again, after finishing we started to garnish and finish.
When we presented the results to Pak ical, he did not really like
in terms of appearance, but in terms of taste Pak ical really liked. As usual
after everything was sorted out we did general cleaning and went home.

That's all I can tell until I see you in the next two weeks
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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