warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hello guys welcome back to my
blog, as usual I will tell you my activities during the practice in the
Today we made a Lapis legit,
because our pia is good so today we have moved to the Lapis legit. Here we use
a 20X20 size pan and for the first layer we baked it in the oven for a few
minutes until the dough does not shake and after that we Move it to Salamander.
after Salamander we then put the second layer and then we Salamander again and
this is done until our batter runs out and our pan is full. And after the last
layer we baked it again for 15 minutes at 250 ° C. After that we let it cool
down first then we cut it and we brought it to Mr. Ical and said Mr. Ical our lapis
legit was rather oily so we had to repeat it again.

That's all I can tell today,
hopefully useful.Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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