Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi
Hello guys welcome back to my
blog, after a week I did not share the story finally today I am back to talk
about my activities in the kitchen.
This morning began by showing the
sourdough we made last week to Mr. Ical, Alhamdulillah, the sourdough that I
made finally finished after a few failed attempts, my sourdough was bubbly also
floating in the water, the sign was that the sour doug was ready for use.
Next Mr.Ical showed us how to
make croissants using Living (Sourdoug) because what we usually use is instant
eyasts, today we only make the dough because we will keep them in the chiler
continued Mr.Ical showing making
sour bread recipe which we use the recipe given by Mr. ical stages of making
such as bread making in general use the straight dough method so that all dry
ingredients are mixed and finally the ingredients are stored for an hour and a
half in the chiller then through the molding process, then proofed for two
hours and finally we bake until completely correct. chocolate.
unfortunately, our sourdough bread failed again because it was torn, maybe our
way during the molding process was not good.
That's all I can tell today,
hopefully what I have told you is useful and thank you for reading my blog.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi
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